
This week, AllCode released Walk Pro for El Cavalho, an augmented-reality iOS mobile application used to count horse strides.

Walk Pro gives equestrians a competitive advantage by using augmented-reality to survey their surroundings to get the most accurate stride count possible. Inclines, declines, wet surfaces, and hard or soft ground are observed and accounted for in the stride count.
Walk Pro also creates easily accessible course catalogs that can be reviewed at any time.When the Walk Pro mobile application is launched, Walk Pro leverages the ARKit to create a 3 dimensional representation of the world. As the user walks towards the jump, the application records the current position of the phone in the 3 dimensional rendered world every half a second. Each half a second the distance is calculated. When the user reaches the jump, the user hits the Finish Section button, and the distance calculation is processed.
You can find the application here.