Replatforming AWS

Replatforming in AWS

Replatforming is one of the methods of migration when a legacy solution needs to be replaced.  An application might already be running in the cloud, but might require an upgrade to better meet objectives.  This can be done to either reduce costs or to replace existing services with alternate solutions that can provide a certain function more efficiently.

Upgrading your Projects

As explained in our article covering AWS migration strategies, replatforming (or “lift, tinker, and shift”) is an effective solution for applications that are already adapted to the cloud and do not require core architectural changes to continue functioning. This strategy offers opportunities to enhance application efficiency and reduce operational costs, providing improved functionality while staying within budget constraints.

By replatforming, businesses can leverage different services without discarding their existing architecture. This means that frameworks, languages, and other components can still be utilized, while integrating new services. The advantage of this approach is that it minimizes downtime for the entire business, as only the peripheral elements of the application are modified. Consequently, both staff and engineers experience less stress as they don’t need to reconfigure the entire application, ensuring a smoother transition for customers.

Furthermore, replatforming allows for the incorporation of legacy solutions into new hardware and software, addressing any potential security vulnerabilities that may arise from outdated systems. AWS provides the flexibility to combine older models with modern infrastructure, ensuring the security and stability of the application.

AWS Migration Replatforming

Why Consider Replatforming

Our team of AWS specialists are trained and have extensive experience with this model of migration.  Since the application is already adapted to the cloud, the issue isn’t restructuring the core architecture to meet the requirements of the platform.  Making changes to the application while abiding by the functionality and rules imposed by the platform.  Even though there are potential risks from replatforming, there are also good reasons to do so.



Replatforming offers a range of benefits for businesses seeking to optimize their applications. By choosing to replatform, organizations can not only enhance application efficiency but also reduce operation costs. This approach presents an opportunity to introduce automated services, alleviating staff stress and minimizing the risk of human error. Furthermore, replatforming allows for the integration of different services while retaining the core architecture of the original build. This means that frameworks, languages, and existing components can be reused, reducing the overall changes required and resulting in minimal downtime for the business. By prioritizing changes that offer the highest return on investment, development teams can ensure a quicker realization of benefits.

Additionally, as replatforming primarily focuses on modifying peripheral elements rather than the core architecture, the risk of negatively impacting the application as a whole is significantly reduced. Furthermore, replatforming allows for the incorporation of legacy solutions with new hardware and software, providing the flexibility to adapt to evolving security threats. Thus, replatforming not only offers cost-effectiveness, speed, and risk reduction, but also provides opportunities for enhanced functionality, reduced downtime, and improved security measures.


Acquire Automation Opportunities

If not already utilized, this is a good opportunity to implement services with automated functionality to alleviate staff stress and remove variables that provide room for human error. 


Faster Than Rebuilding

If an application needs to utilize different services, but needs to also retain the same function from the original build, it’s not necessary to pitch out the old architecture just yet.  Anything from frameworks to languages and existing frameworks can be reused just the same while bringing onboard different services.  With less to change overall, there will be significantly less downtime for the business as a whole. 

The duration of a replatforming project varies based on several factors such as the specific objectives of your business, the destination platform, the technology currently in use, the level of training required, industry requirements, and compliance standards. As a result, the time frame for replatforming can range widely. Some projects may be completed within a span of 9-15 months, while others could take two or more years to accomplish.


Easier for Staff

Because the core architecture remains unaffected with only the fringe elements being changed, staff and engineers will experience less stress having to reconfigure the application and adjust for customers to smoothly transition.  With less time spent offline, assuming development teams prioritize changes promising the highest return on investment, that return on investment will arrive sooner. 


Low Risk Involved

Like with the low downtime, because these services will be on the edges of the structure, there is an incredibly low chance any changes made will negatively impact the application as a whole. 


At the Pace the Company Needs

While some companies might prefer getting back to market as soon as possible, it all happens relative to the company’s schedule.  


Room for Legacy Components

Replatforming a legacy application presents a valuable opportunity to enhance application efficiency and reduce operational costs. These changes can bring about improved functionality without straining the developers’ budget. Moreover, it allows for the implementation of automated services, effectively alleviating staff stress and reducing the potential for human error. It’s important to note that replatforming doesn’t necessarily require discarding the old architecture entirely, especially when an application needs to utilize different services while retaining its original function. In such cases, existing frameworks, languages, and architecture can be reused, minimizing the need for extensive reconfiguration. This approach significantly reduces downtime for the business as a whole, as the core architecture remains unaffected and only peripheral elements change. This not only eases the burden on staff and engineers but also ensures a smooth transition for customers. Additionally, by incorporating legacy solutions with new hardware and software, replatforming allows for addressing security vulnerabilities that may be present in older software. AWS provides the flexibility to integrate both older models and cutting-edge technologies, thus ensuring robust security measures while benefitting from the advantages of replatforming.

Potential Risks

  • Potential Scope Creep: Without meticulous planning and control, a replatforming project can easily expand beyond its initial boundaries. This often leads to incorporating too many new functionalities without proper prioritization, which can dilute focus and escalate costs, ultimately lowering the return on investment.

  • Unintended Changes: Even minor modifications can lead to significant performance hiccups down the line. These unintended changes might not be immediately apparent, making them harder to diagnose and rectify.

  • Compatibility Issues: Replatforming can sometimes reveal or create compatibility problems with existing systems. These issues may necessitate costly and time-consuming solutions, such as a full-scale re-architecture or even a move back to older systems (repatriation) if the problems are severe enough.

  • Orientation Challenges: Adjusting to the new system can take time for both staff and customers. This adjustment period can delay the realization of benefits, affecting overall project timelines and effectiveness.


Before any migration, there needs to be a reason for it.  Typically, around this stage, clients will approach us with a proposition of a certain need their company and application has.  Our experts will help the client to better understand and define what the objective should be over the course of this migration relative to a business’ needs, the industry standards relative to the client, the target platform, and the application’s requirements for basic functions.

The most important factor to consider during this phase is where the application will be migrated.  Whether it’s moving to or from AWS, the application will need services that are compatible with the platform, typically something that is native to the cloud environment.  AWS does have methods of more easily importing or exporting solutions.  To better accommodate, some changes might need to be made to the application API or any workloads.

To facilitate these migrations, AWS offers a variety of specialized tools. For instance, AWS Migration Hub provides a central location to monitor the progress of application migrations across multiple AWS and partner solutions, ensuring choice and visibility. AWS Application Discovery Service helps gather crucial data about your servers to inform your migration strategy. For actual migration, AWS Application Migration Service offers an agentless option for moving thousands of on-premises workloads to AWS efficiently.

For database migrations, AWS Database Migration Service facilitates the seamless transfer of databases to AWS while keeping the source database fully operational. Large-scale data transfers are handled by AWS Snowball for petabyte-scale data and AWS Snowmobile for even larger datasets, up to exabyte-scale. Additionally, AWS Direct Connect establishes a dedicated network connection for more secure and reliable data transfer.

Real-time data processing needs can be met with Amazon Kinesis Firehose, a fully managed service that loads streaming data into AWS. Furthermore, AWS Marketplace provides a platform to find and purchase software solutions and licenses needed for the new environment.

Migration Process

Minor changes will be made to the application for better compatibility with the destination platform mid-transit, such as segments of code.  After any necessary changes are made to existing workloads, they will be similarly migrated over and applied to the new environment.  After being successfully migrated, the application still needs to be verified and checked for any potential risks that might have resulted from the change in cloud environment.  The app needs to be compliant with security and industry regulations before customers have access to it again.

As a part of our work process, we will provide client developers with any necessary training required to keep the environment functional in our absence.  During the transition, developers should also take care to thoroughly document all changes made to the architecture and configuration.  Before we are done, our experts will conduct one last review to ascertain if the migration was successful and highlight any points that could still use improvement.

The duration of a replatforming project can vary significantly based on various factors, such as the specific objectives of your business, the destination platform chosen, the technologies involved in the existing system, the amount of training needed for the transition, industry-specific requirements, and compliance standards. Every project is unique and may range from 9 to 15 months or extend beyond two years. The timeframe ultimately depends on the complexity of the migration and the scope of changes required to achieve the desired outcomes successfully, namely business goals, the destination platform, source technology, training requisites, and compliance requisites.

The cost of replatforming can vary depending on multiple factors. The size and complexity of the project scope are significant determinants. For instance, larger projects that involve extensive teams and intricate technical features typically incur higher costs. Conversely, smaller projects with fewer complexities tend to be more cost-effective. This direct correlation between the project’s scale and the associated expenses is crucial for businesses to understand when planning their budgets.

  • Data Migration: The extent of data that needs to be transferred and the complexity of the data structure can significantly affect costs.
  • Integration Requirements: The need to integrate new platforms with existing systems can vary widely, impacting the cost accordingly.
  • Customizations: Specific custom features or adaptations can add to the replatforming expenses.
  • Additional Services: Services such as staff training on the new platform or ongoing support may also be necessary.
  • Platform Choice: The selection of the platform itself influences costs, with some platforms demanding higher licensing or subscription fees, while others might necessitate additional resource investments.