
AWS Events 2020 Q1

Throughout the year, Amazon Web Services hosts conferences for people of all ages. In 2020, there are roughly 46 events that are hosted in areas all around the world. AWS offers many free events and programs that are designed to inform people from all industries about the AWS cloud.
In Quarter 1 of 2020, which lasts from January to March, there are several events. Learn from cloud experts about the importance of cloud computing and how the cloud can boost your organization’s speed and delivery.

AWSome day
AWSome day is a free, one-day training event instructed by technical experts in mid-size cities across the world. This AWS program offers a business track to exploring cost management opportunities, along with a deep-dive in to security and compliance.
Price: Free
Where: Location Varies
Date: Date Varies

AWS Developer Day
AWS Developer Day is a free, full-day technical event where developers can learn about the latest discussions in cloud computing, and some of the new services that AWS has to offer. Developers who attend DevDay get hands-on experience in various workshops, technical sessions, live demos, and have the opportunity to network with AWS Tech pioneers.
Price: Free
Where: Location Varies
Date: Date Varies

AWS Summit Public Sector Mexico City
AWS Public sectors are built for government leaders, education, nonprofit organizations, and the cloud computing industries to network and learn about the most recent technology solutions from Amazon Web Services.
Price: TBA
Where: Mexico City, Mexico
Location: Avenida Del Conscripto No. 311, Colonia Lomas de Sotelo, 11200 Naucalpan

Date: March 4th, 2020
Time: 9am - 3pm
More Details and Registration: http://aws.amazon.com/events/summits/mexico-city-public-sector/

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Day
Free full-day course geared toward people who are seeking to learn the basics of the AWS Cloud.
Price: Free
Where: Arlington, Virginia
Location: Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22203, United States
Date: March 9th, 2020
Time: 8am - 4pm
More Details and Registration: http://www.aws.training/learningobject/ilt?id=45929&did=ep_card&trk=ep_card

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Day
Free full-day course geared toward people who are seeking to learn the basics of the AWS Cloud.
Price: Free
Where: Arlington, Virginia
Location: Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22203, United States
Date: March 10th, 2020
Time: 8am - 4pm
More Details and Registration: http://www.aws.training/learningobject/ilt?id=45930&did=ep_card&trk=ep_card

Oklahoma City DeepRacer Event with AWS
By participating in the AWS DeepRacer event, you will learn and apply AWS Machine Learning tools. This event will last one-day and will allow attendees to train a robotic car to become autonomous and self-driving.
Price: Free
Where: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Location: 930 N. Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (OSU-OKC Community Impact Center)
Date: March 17th, 2020
Time: 9am - 3pm
More Details and Registration: http://oklahomacitydeepracerevent.splashthat.com/?did=ep_card&trk=ep_card

AWS Summit EMEA Paris

AWS Summit in Paris, France is a free event intended to connect the cloud computing community and teach them about AWS. During Summit, developers from a number of industries will gather and learn how the AWS can help them and their organization scale.
Price: Free
Where: Paris, France
Location: Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 Place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris
Date: March 17th, 2020
Time: 8:30am - 6:30pm
More Details: http://aws.amazon.com/events/summits/paris/

AWS Nonprofit Roadshow
This is a free event designated to nonprofits and social good organizations. The Roadshow will feature various discussions, informational sessions, and networking opportunities to connect with peers.
Price: Free
Where: San Francisco, California
525 Market St 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA , 94105
Date: March 20th, 2020
Time: 11:30am - 4:30pm
More Details and Registration: http://aws-nonprofit-roadshow-sf.splashthat.com/?did=ep_card&trk=ep_card

AWS Initiate Day Fredericton
Attend AWS Initiate Day to learn about digital transformation and data migration.
Price: Free
Where: Fredericton, NB
670 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1C2
Date: March 24th, 2020
Time: 8am - 5pm
More Details and Registration: http://awsinitiatedayfredericton.splashthat.com/?sc_channel=ta&sc_campaign=awsinitiatedayfredericton&sc_medium=awseventspage&sc_detail=640×480&sc_country=mult&sc_geo=namer&sc_category=mult&sc_segment=all&sc_outcome=event&did=ep_card&trk=ep_card-eventpage

AWS Summit EMEA Dubai
AWS Summit, hosted in Dubai, is a free event geared toward teaching the cloud computing community about AWS. Developers from several industries come together and learn how the AWS cloud can help their businesses scale.
Price: Free
Where: Dubai, United
Date: March 24th, 2020
More Details: http://2020emeasponsorship.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/AWS+Summit+Dubai+2020+Sponsorship+Prospectus.pdf

AWS Financial Services Cloud Symposium
AWS Financial Services Cloud Symposium is an event designed for financial services professionals seeking new strategies to drive business transformation.
Price: Free
Where: New York, NY
Date: March 31st, 2020
Time: TBA
More Details and Registration: http://pages.awscloud.com/cloud-symposium-interest.html?did=ep_card&trk=ep_card

AWS Summit APAC Sydney

WS Summit is a complimentary event hosted by Amazon Web Services that is designed to teach cloud specialists about AWS. The cloud computing community from several industries and skill levels gather to learn about the AWS cloud and see if it is the right choice for their business.
Price: Free
Where: Sydney, Australia
Date: March 31st, 2020
More Details: http://resources.awscloud.com/aws-summits-apac-sponsorship-prospectus