
Create a Survey in Sendgrid Using Google Forms

Travor House A self-motivated digital marketing specialist with 3+ years of experience advertising in the financial services industry. While I wear several marketing hats, my primary focus is on content strategy and curation. I aim to consistently challenge myself and position my skills toward personal and professional endeavors that lead to measurable results. LinkedIn

Create a Survey in Sendgrid Using Google Forms

creating a survey in sendgrid using google forms
Surveys are a great way to capture information, collect feedback, and glean vital decision-making insight. Getting people to interact with your surveys is the tricky part.
People tend to avoid partaking in surveys that direct them away to another page. By embedding a snippet of code, you can incorporate a survey directly into your Sengrid campaign to facilitate swift user response across your entire contact list.

Adding a Google Forms Project in Sendgrid

Rather than collecting responses dispersed across various platforms, you can use Google Forms as a hub for straight-forward data processing and organization.

Create a survey in Google Forms.
Create a Google Forms Project
Click on Settings and choose who can view the survey.
Share Google Slide Form
Click “Send” and fill out the “To” section with the email of your choice. (Can be unrelated to the outgoing email address in your Sendgrid)
Send email to your email
Select the box, “Include form in email” and click Send.
Include form in email
Open the email, right-click on the form and click Inspect.
Inspect Google Forms in email
Find the code starting with, <div align=”center” and click Copy.
Copy code snippet
Drag the Code element into your Sendgrid campaign and Paste the code.
Paste code in Sendgrid
Send a test email.
Send test email
Check email and submit a response.
Check email for survey
Check the responses in Google Forms.
Check google forms for survey responses

Travor House

Travor House

A self-motivated digital marketing specialist with 3+ years of experience advertising in the financial services industry.

While I wear several marketing hats, my primary focus is on content strategy and curation.

I aim to consistently challenge myself and position my skills toward personal and professional endeavors that lead to measurable results.

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