
Dell APEX Cloud vs. DigitalOcean

Cloud services are numerous in type and functionality, leaving potential users with no shortage of choice as to what cloud service they wish to use and why. While not as widely known or capable of some of the same potential as their bigger competitors, Dell and DigitalOcean have their own offerings for cloud computing. Despite their more niche use and more fitting application for much smaller users, keep in mind that the likes of AWS and Google Cloud will just be more flexible and likely more capable in the long-run.

Dell’s APEX Cloud

APEX is a surprisingly robust and stable platform that can operate in the cloud publicly, privately, in a hybrid format, across multiple cloud environments, or on the edge of the cloud.  Using the processing capabilities of Intel architecture to its greatest potential, Dell Cloud is flexible, agile, can reduce costs, and can reallocate IT resources quickly.  Compared to other services, Dell’s offering is prepaid with planning for budgeting done in advance and multi-year maintenance discounts, offering some freedom with which resources are used.  Finally, Dell’s Cloud is incredibly scalable and doesn’t require a price tag for its licensing.

DigitalOcean’s Toolkit

For those looking for a simpler alternative to other cloud solutions, DigitalOcean developer toolkit is sufficient.  Despite being the simplest solution on the market, the infrastructure for building out applications is surprisingly robust and makes for a good entrypoint for anyone looking to explore the cloud and learn how to develop applications in a cloud environment.  DigitalOcean has all the industry-standard features with it including Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Kubernetes for everything computational, storage-related, and network-related.  To better guide users through how to use DigitalOcean’s tools, there are both official tutorials and a wide community who can offer insight and experience to newer users.

Features on Offer



The APEX catalog allows users to self-service on what tools they would like and provides guidance.  From the APEX Console, users can expect to be filled in on the entire tech development lifecycle, including operating, optimization, and expansion.  Official professionals from Dell can also help to realize what the developmental goals are, and as such provide a better idea of what services are needed, what types of cloud configurations would be the most suitable, and what can be expected.  To prevent losses, APEX’s all-in-one backup services and cyber recovery systems protect critical data constantly.  The primary draw Dell offers is the centralization of all control and simplification of operations in the cloud.  However, APEX does have lower integration with other systems compared to its competitors and has starkly fewer services on offer.


Ideally, DigitalOcean is meant to help design smaller applications with lower developmental pricing and faster deployment.  It’s incredibly easy to set up multiple servers on a single account, making this a decent option for website hosting services.  The thorough documentation and pricing model also make it an exceptional choice for tech startups with a need for a website.  However, that is the scale of this platform and isn’t meant to accomplish much more.  Additionally, it does have some OS compatibility issues, making it only ideal for Linux installation.  In spite of its flaws, it does make for a good tool for building out websites and experimenting with backend functionality.  At AllCode, DigitalOcean is our main platform of choice for our web applications and various projects, so it’s not like it is a horribly flawed tool.

Dolan Cleary

Dolan Cleary

I am a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and am now working with AllCode as a web technician. Currently working within the marketing department.

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