
Diabetes Management Healthcare Solutions Continue to Raise $

In talking to a number of health care startups, we’ve encountered a few companies that are trying to move diabetes management into the 21st century:Livongo and Glooko . Both of these companies have raised a considerable amount of money. Livongo in the ballpark of $82.5 million and Glooko approximately $28 million per CrunchBase.
Our friends at Loon Medical, the makers of  CareSentinel, a smart home monitoring and alerts system for caregivers, have informed us of another offering in our midsts, ShugaTrak. Yes, the name may be a bit lacking, but ShugaTrack offers a solution for blood glucose levels, which is actually strikingly similar to Loon Medical’s CareSentinel solution that we built for them. ShugaTrack works by having a device communicate with an off-the-shelf glucometer. The ShugaTrack device then leverages Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to communicate with a proprietary mobile app on Android or iOS to upload the blood glucose measurements to the cloud.
We look forward to seeing quality work from Loon and ShugaTrak in the future.


CareSentinel Device and iOS App CareSentinel Device and iOS App