
Powered by React

React is a Javascript library designed for building user interfaces for either websites or applications.  Being considered one of the better platforms for building out web applications, it’s easy to understand, has an extensive toolset, high performance, and flexibility.  While it may suffer from some limitations such as a lack of SEO support, rapid updates that make it difficult for either documentation or development teams to keep up with, and the use of JSX, React is a solid platform for application UIs.

Why Use React?

Products built on React are incredibly scalable, leading to some of the most popular social media platforms still in use as of writing, and for good reason.  Alongside the previously mentioned factors of flexibility and performance, it also has a very steady learning curve for programmers who are already familiar with HTML and has a stable community due to its popularity.  Components can be constructed independently with independently managed states and combined to make complex UIs.

Our front-end developers not only create reusable components but also develop custom hooks to encapsulate logic and promote reusability across the application. They manage application states efficiently by creating slices with tools like Redux Toolkit, which simplifies state management and reduces boilerplate code. Developers may also utilize Next.js, a popular React framework, to build server-rendered applications with improved SEO, automatic code splitting, and built-in support for dynamic imports. Next.js enables them to create static and dynamic pages with ease, optimizing performance and providing a better overall user experience.

In summary, frontend developers in a React Dev Shop work with a variety of tools and techniques, including custom hooks, Redux Toolkit slices, and Next.js, to create high-quality, performant, and maintainable web applications that cater to the evolving needs of their clients.

Why Use React?

Products built on React are incredibly scalable, leading to some of the most popular social media platforms still in use as of writing, and for good reason.  Alongside the previously mentioned factors of flexibility and performance, it also has a very steady learning curve for programmers who are already familiar with HTML and has a stable community due to its popularity.  Components can be constructed independently with independently managed states and combined to make complex UIs.

Our front-end developers not only create reusable components but also develop custom hooks to encapsulate logic and promote reusability across the application. They manage application states efficiently by creating slices with tools like Redux Toolkit, which simplifies state management and reduces boilerplate code. Developers may also utilize Next.js, a popular React framework, to build server-rendered applications with improved SEO, automatic code splitting, and built-in support for dynamic imports. Next.js enables them to create static and dynamic pages with ease, optimizing performance and providing a better overall user experience.

In summary, frontend developers in a React Dev Shop work with a variety of tools and techniques, including custom hooks, Redux Toolkit slices, and Next.js, to create high-quality, performant, and maintainable web applications that cater to the evolving needs of their clients.

Our React Projects


MatDoc is a medical site with the intention of providing a platform and education for skin care providers.  Along with lessons are form PDFs to send to clients and organization tools for receiving information and files from clients.


TrueAccord wanted an ETL solution for simplifying their services.  The site we built automated the process of managing inbound and outbound files for debt collection.


One of our bigger clients LPS is an indoor soccer facility company that manages a number of sites across the country.  As the pandemic set in, they needed a solution that would manage memberships, account details, and scheduling for customers to sign up on from home.  Their website provides arena registration, arena rentals, team standings, and organizing teams.


As another medical platform, ICANotes was meant as a site with which medical forums could be managed.  There are templates that are easily configurable per the client’s needs and subsequently sent off to patients.  For ease of use, forms are automatically collected and organized.