Amazon Web Service IQ

What is AWS IQ

Building on the Amazon cloud can be complicated as it does require an extensive amount of knowledge beforehand on how to work with many of the services. AWS IQ is a marketplace where experts can sell their expertise and users can put out requests for specific cloud needs. Along with putting out a task, parties can then discuss terms of payment, scope of the project, scheduling, and project requirements.

Streamlining Development Outsourcing

AWS IQ is the platform where customers can propose projects and experts can post their expertise with AWS and what types of projects they can help with.  Offers and requests can cover a broad range of potential projects, including launching web and business applications, developing and training machine learning algorithms, migrating to the cloud, and building cloud solutions.  All experts who post on AWS IQ and can respond to requests are AWS certified and are required to have a high success rate.  Posting as either an expert or a user has no prerequisite cost.  Pay will instead be outlined within the proposal and can be set to either being upfront, on a schedule, or after achieving certain milestones of a given project.  AWS IQ is meant to be useful for newcomers to the cloud, kick-starting a new project, or aiding to complete existing projects.


Accessible to customers worldwide, with the exception of China, AWS IQ provides a platform for both individual consultants and companies within eligible jurisdictions to share their expertise. The service itself is entirely free to use, with payment arrangements being the only cost incurred between parties upon project agreement. To kickstart a project, providers require access to the customer’s AWS environment, necessitating the customer to configure specific permissions in advance. Expert permissions can be facilitated through AWS Identity Access Manager (IAM) unless managed by the account administrator.

Much like perusing resumes on a job site or engaging in online shopping, AWS IQ categorizes offerings based on their respective areas of expertise. While additional filters may be desired for enhanced search functionality, each posting contains essential information such as the task at hand, estimated completion timeline, pricing range, poster identification, a 5-star rating, and review count. Further exploration unveils additional details, including payment terms, services utilized, a brief introduction of the poster, and user reviews. Facilitating seamless communication between experts and requesters, AWS IQ integrates options for file sharing, text chat, and video conferencing. All communication remains confidential and is safeguarded through robust encryption protocols.


Expert Catalog

Think of it no differently from sifting through resumes on a job site or any other form of online shopping.  All offerings are categorized by the general field their capabilities cover.  While the lack of additional filters does leave something to be desired including something as basic as keeping the requests and experts separated, all the basic information is covered with each posting.  Each post covers the task being offered or requested, the general timetable it will take for the task to be completed, the pricing range, and the person or group who made the post along with a 5-star rating label and how many reviews they have received.  Drilling in further will provide additional details like the payment terms, services used, an introductory description of the poster, and all the reviews.

In-house Communication

AWS IQ comes with integral communication methods between the expert and the requester.  There are options for sending files, text chat, and video conferencing.  Everything discussed between both parties is completely confidential and kept protected with heavy encryption.

aws iq how to post a request

Permissions Control

Experts can be granted full albeit time-limited access to an AWS environment for the duration of their job.  The expert will be provided one of the nine basic job policies for the project as listed here, have clear descriptions, and follow best security practice guidelines.  Any activity the expert conducts is logged on the AWS account for the owner to inspect and ensure they are maximizing their gained value from the expert.  When the task is completed, the expert’s access will be revoked.  If the owner finds the expert’s work unsatisfactory or they want to cancel the project, they can revoke the expert’s access at any time and go through the procedure of seeking a refund.

Integral Payment

In concordance with how the job was listed, payment is managed by the pay agreement type of the account owner’s choice.  Additionally, payments are sent through AWS itself, mitigating the need to manage or make these payments outside of the platform.


Finding the Right Expert

Customers can benefit from using AWS IQ in several ways. Firstly, it provides a platform where experts can sell their expertise, and users can request specific cloud services, streamlining the process of finding the right talent for projects. The marketplace allows discussions on payment terms, project scope, scheduling, and requirements. Additionally, users can access an expert catalog, enabling them to review experts’ capabilities, ratings, and reviews.

AWS IQ offers secure communication methods such as text chat, file sharing, and video conferencing between experts and customers to ensure effective collaboration. Customers can control permissions, granting experts limited access to their AWS environment for the duration of a project, enhancing security and privacy.

Payment management is simplified as payments are securely handled through AWS, eliminating the need for external transactions and providing a seamless experience for both customers and experts. Overall, AWS IQ aims to assist newcomers to the cloud, kick-start new projects, and facilitate the completion of existing projects, providing a comprehensive and efficient platform that prioritizes customer satisfaction.

We at AllCode are currently certified with multiple AWS experts on our team and have a history of constructing applications using Amazon’s platform.  If you are searching for a good partner to help develop your project, find out more about us here.

Dolan Cleary

Dolan Cleary

I am a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and am now working with AllCode as a web technician. Currently working within the marketing department.

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