Trove provides an iOS app for style and shopping. AllCode delivered the iOS app written in Swift and the Ruby on Rails app on AWS. Visit Trove iOS App
Web Development
Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.
Medical Innovations Labs
AllCode delivered the iOS, Android, and Cloud app for Contex. Medical Innovation Labs is a convener. Solving significant healthcare problems requires collaboration from disparate parties with often completely different directives. Successful commercialization only...
AllCode provides strategic VoIP consulting and services for the leading Cloud Contact Center. Project URL:
AllCode delivered the Ruby on Rails app for Aforacare running on Aptible. Visit Aforacare
AllCode delivered an iOS and Cloud App running on AWS for NourishedBabe iOS App
The MatDoc
AllCode delivers iOS and Cloud App running on AWS for TheMatDoc Visit TheMatDoc iOS App
Endoscopy Now
AllCode delivered the iOS and Cloud App running on AWS for Uniquely Digital Visit EndoscopyNow iOS App
AllCode delivered the iOS and Cloud App running on AWS for JustAskMe