

AllCode has many years of experience working on a range of platforms in a range of domains. We write free to read articles about some of the solutions we’ve found over the years from software problems and SysOps to project management issues and Remote working strategies.

Security and compliance
What is a Retrieval-Augmented Generation model?

What is a Retrieval-Augmented Generation model?

In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have seen significant innovations and improvements in how they function and produce content. However, with this technology, there still could be some tweaks in how models can produce more authoritative responses with cited sources to boot. Retrieval-Augmented Generation was introduced to help the accuracy and access models have to external sources.

AWS DynamoDB vs. MongoDB

AWS DynamoDB vs. MongoDB

NoSQL (non SQL) databases are the current standard for modern web applications involving big data. It has proven adept in storage and retrieval of various data structure types, whether the data is structured or not. Lacking the requirements of predefined schema, applications with NoSQL develop faster, allow modifications in real-time, and require minimal overhead. With ease of scaling, multiple industries have found widespread use.