
DevOps Monitoring Tools

Security and compliance
Top CI/CD Tools to Use in App Development

Top CI/CD Tools to Use in App Development

Modern software development requires continuous maintenance over the course of its operational lifespan in the form of continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD). It is tedious work, but helps developers worry less about critical breakdowns. Automating this cycle provides an easier means by which rollbacks can occur in the case of a bad update while providing additional benefits such as security and compliance functionality.

What is DevOps and How Developers Benefit

What is DevOps and How Developers Benefit

DevOps is a composition of best practices, principles, and company cultural concepts that are tailored to improve coordination in either development or IT teams in an organization. These standards help to streamline and automate the delivery cycle and allow teams to deploy applications sooner. In the case of arising issues, teams can respond faster and develop fixes sooner.