Learn how to migrate PostgreSQL AWS database instances like an expert. We had the need to migrate a Postgres AWS database from a Production to Staging EC2 yesterday, so we decided to write it up for posterity. Navigate out to the production instance via ssh. I will...
Permissions are a means of controlling and regulating access to specific system- and device-level functions by software. Permissions are typically declared in an application’s manifest, and certain permissions must be specifically granted at runtime by the user.

How to give a JIRA User access to only one project
This is way more confusing than it needs to be, but here's how I was able to grant a Jira user access to only one project in JIRA. Step 1: Create a new user in the User Management section of the Administrator. For this example, we're just using username: test and...
Facebook FBF8 2014 – Highlights Facebook Login, App Links, Parse, and more
We attended FBF8 2014 yesterday. The highlights were 1. The Facebook Login mechanism is changing. What is the Facebook Login mechanism? When you have a Facebook App on your desktop browser in certain situations you will be prompted to login with Facebook at which...
Dynamic Facebook Permissions for your Facebook App
What are Dynamic Facebook Permissions? Let’s say you’ve written a Facebook App using the Facebook JavaScript API, and you don’t want to ask for a ton of permissions when the user signs up for your Facebook App because you’re afraid the permissions will scare them...