With over 2 million apps currently available between Apple’s App Store, Google Play Store and Windows Marketplace it’s an understatement to say that it can be hard to get your app noticed in the crowd. And while there are a number of marketing techniques which can...
The 5 major groups of Technology are Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial and manufacturing, Medical, and Communications.

CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available
AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom http://www.loonmedical.com. These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...
The Ratings on AllCode’s Android JoiColor System App are Pretty Amazing
AllCode released a new Android app last week, the JoiColor System App, built for Zotos International a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shiseido America Corp https://www.joico.com The JoiColor System App is a free mobile application. The app provides instant, 24/7...
CareSentinel – The Caregiver’s Helper is now available
AllCode today announced the release of a new iOS app, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., http://www.loonmedical.com. CareSentinel – The Caregivers’ Helper – uses Bluetooth technology and a set of wireless home sensors that instantly send push...
JoiColor System App – Coming Soon!
The JoiColor System App allows you to create your own hair color using Joico’s breakthrough ArgiPlex Technology