
Ruby on Rails App Development

AllCode’s Ruby on Rails app development team has delivered a number of cloud applications. All of our RoR apps expose REST Web Services that are typically consumed by either JavaScript or a mobile app.

Security and compliance
Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile Software Development Methodology

Computer programming’s evolution accelerated with the introduction of technological breakthroughs like big data, cloud computing, and AI technology. Although recent advances add finesse to the developmental aspect, dynamic software solutions still require a fully...

So You’re Thinking About Having Your IT Team Do Mobile App Development?

So You’re Thinking About Having Your IT Team Do Mobile App Development?

Your company requires a mobile app. You've evaluated potential vendors.  The CFO asks the IT team ,who has no mobile experience, to investigate building the mobile app internally.Here are some items that you will want to consider: Do not build a hybrid mobile app...

CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available

AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom http://www.loonmedical.com. These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...