After upgrading to Catalina on my Mac, I realized that I was unable to install a new version of Ruby using RVM without encountering OpenSSL errors. This turned into a full fledged nightmare for a couple of clients' source code who leverage old versions of Ruby. If...
Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.
Ethereum Truffle Pet Shop DApp running on an Amazon EC2 Instance
In this tutorial, we're going to deploy the Ethereum Truffle Pet Shop DApp demo to an AWS EC2 Micro instance. If you've played with Ethereum's Solidity programming language to deploy smart contracts to the blockchain, you've come to the realization that Ethereum and...
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 2 – Download Geth on Mac OS X
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum on localhost. In our previous post, we installed the Ethereum Wallet. The Ethereum Wallet is a nice way to visualize what's...
Preview 2017: Top Programming Languages
Whether you are a seasoned Developer or new to the game, you will be aware of the many programming languages available to you as you start work on a new web or mobile app. Sometimes the decision about which language to use is straightforward, but other times you may...
How to Debug Ruby on Rails through SSL with RubyMine Foreman
If you’re required to debug Ruby on Rails in RubyMine Foreman through SSL, e.g. you’ve got a Facebook App, you will find the following useful.Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find a way to debug by using the standard debug rails configuration. Instead, I had to...