What is DeFi in Cryptocurrency? (Liquidity Pools) In cryptocurrency, DeFi, Decentralized Finance, means that currency transactions can take place on-chain without the intervention of a centralized authority. DeFi aims to jettison intermediaries, such as banks, who...
DeFi is short for “decentralized finance,” an umbrella term for a variety of financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries

Understanding the Revolution of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Understanding the Revolution of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) DeFi (Quick Explanation): Decentralized Finance (DeFi) integrates cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin with blockchain technology services such as Uniswap in order to deliver permissionless financial services. The...
Pareto Network's ERC20 Smart Contract Audit Report
1. Introduction This document is a security audit of Pareto Network’s ERC-20 token contract supporting their decentralized ecosystem. The scope of the security audit was restricted to: Scan the contracts listed above for generic security issues using automated systems...
Introduction to ARKit, AR, and VR
Introduction to ARKit In the latest news about iOS, ARKit is receiving a lot of attention, due to its ability to visually impress everyone (not just developers). ARKit is a young technology with flaws, without a doubt. However, the ARKit is a...
Successful Health Apps Part 2: User-Centered Design
Here is the second part of our blog series on building a successful healthcare application for web or mobile. This post focuses on utilizing ‘user-centered design’ methodologies to enhance the usability and usefulness of your app. But firstly, what is...
5 Easy Project Management Tips
This blog was originally written in 2016 and has been updated frequently. So you’re dreaming big dreams for 2020 - maybe you want to start a blog, set-up an ecommerce site for your handmade throw cushions, or finally create that cooking app that you always wish...
HIPAA Compliance in the Cloud
HIPAA Compliance for digital health startups is important. In this blog post, we'll define HIPAA, PHI, and HIPAA Compliance. We'll then provide practical examples of PHI. We will specify some steps that need to be taken to secure PHI in a cloud environment. We'll then...
Just Ask Me – The Social Network Dating App is now available – iOS App Development
AllCode today announced the release of a new iPhone app, Just Ask Me, the Social Network Dating app, built for JustAskMe, Inc , http://www.justaskme.co. AllCode performed iOS app development, product management, and QA....
Dynamic Facebook Permissions for your Facebook App
What are Dynamic Facebook Permissions? Let’s say you’ve written a Facebook App using the Facebook JavaScript API, and you don’t want to ask for a ton of permissions when the user signs up for your Facebook App because you’re afraid the permissions will scare them...