

SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

Security and compliance

CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available

AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom http://www.loonmedical.com. These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...

AWS SSL Certificates for Elastic Beanstalk

AWS SSL Certificates for Elastic Beanstalk are a pain to configure so I put together the following. SSL certificates for your vanity domain will work correctly as long as users access your Elastic Beanstalk environment through your vanity domain name.Certs are not...

What do you do when your SSL Certificate expired?

I ran into this problem the other day. My SSL Certificate expired for my dev domain. I went to Network Solutions, snagged a new Certificate using my old Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and tried to import it into my keystore. In the past, I’ve always generated my...