“Should we build Native Apps, Non-Native Apps, or Hybrid Apps for iOS and Android?” We get this question all of the time. In most cases, the answer is yes, your mobile should be written in a native language. The only times that you should consider building a...
AllCode has many years of experience building Android mobile apps. Most of our mobile apps are built in Java. We occasionally will do React Native.

So You’re Thinking About Having Your IT Team Do Mobile App Development?
Your company requires a mobile app. You've evaluated potential vendors. The CFO asks the IT team ,who has no mobile experience, to investigate building the mobile app internally.Here are some items that you will want to consider: Do not build a hybrid mobile app...
CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available
AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom http://www.loonmedical.com. These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...
New Version of Joico System Color App Version 1.1 – Coming Soon
AllCode today announced a new release of the iPhone and Android app, the JoiColor System App V1.1, built for Joico, https://www.joico.com. The JoiColor System App allows you to create your own hair color using Joico's breakthrough ArgiPlex Technology. The JoiColor...
ConsejoSano and Mercer sign agreement to launch a digitial Spanish telehealth platform for employers
ConsejoSano, a client of AllCode, and Mercer announced that they've signed an agreement to launch a digital Spanish telehealth platform for Spanish speakers. "Mercer announced today that it has formed an alliance with ConsejoSano to provide employers and their...
The Ratings on AllCode’s Android JoiColor System App are Pretty Amazing
AllCode released a new Android app last week, the JoiColor System App, built for Zotos International a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shiseido America Corp https://www.joico.com The JoiColor System App is a free mobile application. The app provides instant, 24/7...
CareSentinel – The Caregiver’s Helper is now on Google Play!
AllCode today announced the release of a new Android app, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., http://www.loonmedical.com. CareSentinel - The Caregivers' Helper - uses Bluetooth technology and a set of wireless home sensors that instantly send push...
Amazon SNS Push Notification Tutorial on Android using GCM
Do you have a project where an Android device needs to receive push notifications from an endpoint registered on Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)? Amazon has a sample Android app, but, unfortunately the only thing this sample app does is register with Google...
Creating an Android Image Slider Control for your App (Part 2 of 3)
In Part 1 of of Creating an Android Image Slider Control, we built out the ImageSlider class, but when you added this class to a View, the horizontal scrolling didn't behave well. In order to resolve the scrolling issue, we started playing with the Gesture options and...
Creating an Android Image Slider Control for your App (Part 1 of 3)
Would you like to create an Android Image Slider Control for your App?At Allcode, we needed to build an Image Slider Control into one of our client's Android apps. Initially, we thought it would be as simple as implementing the standard Android Gallery...