
Big Data

Big data refers to the large, diverse sets of information that grow at ever-increasing rates. It encompasses the volume of information, the velocity or speed at which it is created and collected, and the variety or scope of the data points being covered (known as the “three v’s” of big data)

Security and compliance
AWS Think Big for Small Business, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence

AWS Think Big for Small Business, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence

The AWS Think Big for Small Business Program is an outreach program designed to provide small and/or minority-owned public sector organizations support in the form of business intelligence, technical expertise, and marketing strategies. With cloud-based solutions and experience, various public institutions globally have seen continued success in government, educational, and nonprofit sectors. While the funding provided can help significantly to meet business objectives, the expertise on navigating the cloud and how to extend outwards towards customers is just as critical.

Creating a Robust Data-Driven Platform

Creating a Robust Data-Driven Platform

Gathering data and applying it towards business operations is going to be critical going forward. Plenty of companies have already caught onto that trend and have put forward their own spins on data streamlining services that lets users seamlessly gather data from various streams securely and combine it into various spreadsheets and UIs in a way that minimizes risk, is cost effective, and lets users innovate faster. The following tools power some of the best power your web applications.

Break Through with Big Data on AWS

Break Through with Big Data on AWS

Break Through with Big Data on AWS Big Data (Quick Explanation):Big data describes a large volume of data that is captured through various sources that can be used to make educated business decisions. Companies of all sizes generate valuable data to use for increasing...