In this article, we explain a few tools to manage your AWS DocumentDB inside Kubernetes. 1) Launching a MongoDB client pod to connect to AWS DocumentDB Using the following command kubectl run -i --rm --tty mongo-client --image=mvertes/alpine-mongo --restart=Never...
How To
AllCode’s How-to articles are instructional content where interested readers can view a step-by-step guide on how to do something—such as migrate between databases, create a website, or update their SSL certificates. A good article contains a list of steps fleshing out each phase of the process until completion.

Managing your AWS Kubernetes Cluster from the Command Line
How to manage AWS Kubernetes clusters on command line AWS Kubernetes can be managed via the command line through the use of a combination of aws-cli, kubectl, and aws-okta. These instructions primarily apply to AWS EKS. To install these command line interfaces on your...
How to Downgrade Chrome on Windows 10 Pro
Google Chrome rolled out an update today that broke the WebCam integration for one of our clients, which required us to downgrade Chrome on a number of machines. Unfortunately, we were not able to find a good tutorial on how to downgrade Chrome. Hence, we put together...
Remove the User Cassandra from DataStaxApache Cassandra Installations
Whenever you're installing a new DataStaxApache Cassandra cluster, you need to remember to remove the user cassandra. We've seen this at a couple of customer installations now. If you do not change the user cassandra or at least alter the roles for the user cassandra....
Configuring the NEO-GUI and NEO-LUX to use different NEO Seed Nodes
It is important to specify your NEO Seed Nodes, if you want to get the NEO blockchain up and running on your machine. If you download the neo-gui from the NEO Project or neo-lux or neo-python from the City of Zion, you will run into issues synching the NEO blockchain....
Introduction to ARKit, AR, and VR
Introduction to ARKit In the latest news about iOS, ARKit is receiving a lot of attention, due to its ability to visually impress everyone (not just developers). ARKit is a young technology with flaws, without a doubt. However, the ARKit is a...
Ethereum Truffle Pet Shop DApp running on an Amazon EC2 Instance
In this tutorial, we're going to deploy the Ethereum Truffle Pet Shop DApp demo to an AWS EC2 Micro instance. If you've played with Ethereum's Solidity programming language to deploy smart contracts to the blockchain, you've come to the realization that Ethereum and...
Successful Health Apps Part 2: User-Centered Design
Here is the second part of our blog series on building a successful healthcare application for web or mobile. This post focuses on utilizing ‘user-centered design’ methodologies to enhance the usability and usefulness of your app. But firstly, what is...
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 4 – Ethereum Mining on TestNet
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum test network on localhost. In our previous post, we created the first block in our testnet using a CustomGenesis.json. In the...
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 3 – Setting Up Your Own Private Testnet with a Genesis Block
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum test network on localhost. In our previous post, we installed Geth on Mac OS X. When Geth is initially started on a Mac, Geth will start...