Would you like to create an Android Image Slider Control for your App?At Allcode, we needed to build an Image Slider Control into one of our client's Android apps. Initially, we thought it would be as simple as implementing the standard Android Gallery...
How To
AllCode’s How-to articles are instructional content where interested readers can view a step-by-step guide on how to do something—such as migrate between databases, create a website, or update their SSL certificates. A good article contains a list of steps fleshing out each phase of the process until completion.

How to Debug Ruby on Rails through SSL with RubyMine Foreman
If you’re required to debug Ruby on Rails in RubyMine Foreman through SSL, e.g. you’ve got a Facebook App, you will find the following useful.Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find a way to debug by using the standard debug rails configuration. Instead, I had to...
Dynamic Facebook Permissions for your Facebook App
What are Dynamic Facebook Permissions? Let’s say you’ve written a Facebook App using the Facebook JavaScript API, and you don’t want to ask for a ton of permissions when the user signs up for your Facebook App because you’re afraid the permissions will scare them...
ECommerce Authorize.Net
Are you using Authorize.Net to process credit card subscriptions? Do you ever have failures in processing credit cards and not know what to do?
AWS SSL Certificates for Elastic Beanstalk
AWS SSL Certificates for Elastic Beanstalk are a pain to configure so I put together the following. SSL certificates for your vanity domain will work correctly as long as users access your Elastic Beanstalk environment through your vanity domain name.Certs are not...
What do you do when your SSL Certificate expired?
I ran into this problem the other day. My SSL Certificate expired for my dev domain. I went to Network Solutions, snagged a new Certificate using my old Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and tried to import it into my keystore. In the past, I’ve always generated my...
How to migrate your EC2 MySQL Instance to RDS
The other day I had to migrate a couple of databases from an EC2 MySQL instance to RDS. I couldn’t find a decent example of how to do this so I wrote this up.
Some of you might ask why do you want to do this? You get more control with EC2 than RDS. The reality is the EC2 instance ran out of RAM, and I didn’t want to build out a new box.