NEO Flux aims to be the first lightweight C# NEO API server AllCode has started publishing to our neo-flux github repository. AllCode started working on neo-flux after incurring pain with neo-python due to neo-python's requirement...
Production environment is a term used mostly by developers to describe the setting where software and other products are actually put into operation for their intended uses by end users.

Configuring the NEO-GUI and NEO-LUX to use different NEO Seed Nodes
It is important to specify your NEO Seed Nodes, if you want to get the NEO blockchain up and running on your machine. If you download the neo-gui from the NEO Project or neo-lux or neo-python from the City of Zion, you will run into issues synching the NEO blockchain....
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 4 – Ethereum Mining on TestNet
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum test network on localhost. In our previous post, we created the first block in our testnet using a CustomGenesis.json. In the...
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 3 – Setting Up Your Own Private Testnet with a Genesis Block
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum test network on localhost. In our previous post, we installed Geth on Mac OS X. When Geth is initially started on a Mac, Geth will start...
How to Serve Up Web Content from Ethereum – Part 2 – Download Geth on Mac OS X
This tutorial is part of a series of blog posts on getting a web page on your web server to communicate via web3 with your Ethereum on localhost. In our previous post, we installed the Ethereum Wallet. The Ethereum Wallet is a nice way to visualize what's...
Migrate PostgreSQL AWS Database Instances Quickly
Learn how to migrate PostgreSQL AWS database instances like an expert. We had the need to migrate a Postgres AWS database from a Production to Staging EC2 yesterday, so we decided to write it up for posterity. Navigate out to the production instance via ssh. I will...
Preview 2017: Top Programming Languages
Whether you are a seasoned Developer or new to the game, you will be aware of the many programming languages available to you as you start work on a new web or mobile app. Sometimes the decision about which language to use is straightforward, but other times you may...
5 Easy Project Management Tips
This blog was originally written in 2016 and has been updated frequently. So you’re dreaming big dreams for 2020 - maybe you want to start a blog, set-up an ecommerce site for your handmade throw cushions, or finally create that cooking app that you always wish...
Parse Server Migration Service
We are recommending that clients who are running on Parse contact AllCode about our Parse Server Migration service. The Parse Hosted service will be retired on January 28th, 2017. If you would like to migrate your solution off of Parse, please contact AllCode ASAP.The...
So You’re Thinking About Having Your IT Team Do Mobile App Development?
Your company requires a mobile app. You've evaluated potential vendors. The CFO asks the IT team ,who has no mobile experience, to investigate building the mobile app internally.Here are some items that you will want to consider: Do not build a hybrid mobile app...