High control and governance is a large focal point of Amazon’s Cloud services. Another solid service for maintaining the wellbeing and compliance of any AWS service is Control Tower, helping to further simplify governance with enough room to integrate third-party software for scaling. AWS Control Tower main function is for the construction and monitoring of new AWS environments regardless of size and complexity.
Application security is the process of making apps more secure by finding, fixing, and enhancing the security of apps. Much of this happens during the development phase, but it includes tools and methods to protect apps once they are deployed.

What is Wrong With my VPC Configuration?
The main purpose of the AWS Virtual Private Cloud is to keep any devices that want to avoid unauthorized access outside of public reach. Certain applications and top-priority data is kept explicitly within a confined network defined by the permissions the users set for the organization. However, there are a number of potential vulnerabilities that could occur that are all based on user-error and improper configuration of the VPC. AWS operates on shared responsibility and it’s partially down to the user to uphold their half.
10 AWS Security Tools to Implement in Your Environment
Amazon Web Services (AWS) scale very easily and securely with your application of choice. That’s not to say it is completely safe against intrusions. At least 70 percent of IT enterprise leaders are concerned about how secure the cloud is according to this report. As time progresses, there will be no end to those looking to exploit whatever loophole they can find in your security.
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5 Tips to Stay Safe Online
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Pareto Network's ERC20 Smart Contract Audit Report
1. Introduction This document is a security audit of Pareto Network’s ERC-20 token contract supporting their decentralized ecosystem. The scope of the security audit was restricted to: Scan the contracts listed above for generic security issues using automated systems...
Why Your ICO Needs KYC Compliance
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Successful Health Apps Part 2: User-Centered Design
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Technical Analysis of the $31 Million Dollar Ethereum Hack
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HIPAA Compliance in the Cloud
HIPAA Compliance for digital health startups is important. In this blog post, we'll define HIPAA, PHI, and HIPAA Compliance. We'll then provide practical examples of PHI. We will specify some steps that need to be taken to secure PHI in a cloud environment. We'll then...