
AWS services

Allcode works closely with Amazon Web Services as a certified Amazon Partner. Whatever your needs in the cloud. Allcode can be there to help you every step of the way.

Security and compliance
Developing E-Commerce with Amazon Web Services

Developing E-Commerce with Amazon Web Services

Amazon continues to innovate with internet retail and how the customer’s experience is enhanced digitally. AWS continues to lead in fostering innovation and support of enterprises and retailers through the use of microservices, an API-first mentality, and cloud-native infrastructure. This has helped lay the groundwork for more sustainable online storefronts and provided customers with better services.

What is AWS Glue and Why are Pipelines Important?

What is AWS Glue and Why are Pipelines Important?

The most important components of a service are the service itself and the sources of its data, but those parts are completely worthless if they are separate and without the necessary connective tissue between them. AWS Glue is a serverless data pipeline that assists in finding data sources, preparing those sources, and directing data accordingly to where it’s needed. It’s easy to use and supports multiple processing and workload types.

What is Wrong With my VPC Configuration?

What is Wrong With my VPC Configuration?

The main purpose of the AWS Virtual Private Cloud is to keep any devices that want to avoid unauthorized access outside of public reach. Certain applications and top-priority data is kept explicitly within a confined network defined by the permissions the users set for the organization. However, there are a number of potential vulnerabilities that could occur that are all based on user-error and improper configuration of the VPC. AWS operates on shared responsibility and it’s partially down to the user to uphold their half.

AWS Storage Options – Should I Use S3, EFS, or EBS?

AWS Storage Options – Should I Use S3, EFS, or EBS?

While incorporating the use of physical storage databases into Amazon’s Web Services is an option, there are also cloud storage options available. There are a few options to choose with significant differences between each in order to tackle certain options. One of the following services will be better optimized for handling loads at scale while another will have a better time retaining a proper load balance.

AWS Virtual Private Cloud

AWS Virtual Private Cloud

If whatever is being launched on AWS needs to be private, the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides enough functionality for such a task. It grants full control over the virtual network environment from resource allocation to security and is simple to start up. There are options for choosing the IP range, creating subnets, and configuring route tables. The only connections to this network are completely user-defined.

What to Do When AWS Goes Offline?

What to Do When AWS Goes Offline?

Amazon’s services are not completely iron-clad and applications built on the platform are still vulnerable to the occasional hiccup. When it does happen, there is a degree of shared responsibility between AWS and the developers of the web applications. All services are designed with redundancies in mind and much of the physical infrastructure does come with backup databases and availability zones to help cover for any instances that go down or are brought down for maintenance. Though data loss is mitigated, it is still advisable to prepare for the next incident.

Here’s Why You Should Work with an AWS Partner

Here’s Why You Should Work with an AWS Partner

Amazon Web Services is understandably a difficult platform to adapt to and utilize fully upon first getting started. Some organizations can be selected to become certified partners to indirectly extend services to help build on the Amazon Cloud. Finding a certified company to help build out is undoubtedly the best way to significantly simplify, streamline, and reduce the cost of utilizing AWS.

The Definitive Guide to AWS Pricing

The Definitive Guide to AWS Pricing

Perhaps the biggest issue with AWS that its competitors edge out on is the confusing pricing model. It does promise the capacity to help users save significantly on funds that otherwise by avoiding spending on unnecessary resources, but getting to that point isn’t always clear. We will be covering in greater detail how this works.

AWS QuickSight vs. Power BI

AWS QuickSight vs. Power BI

Business Intelligence is important to a firm in order to understand the data gathered from its various operations. Amazon does provide a service called QuickSight which is more tailored to use-by-use cases. By comparison, Microsoft has Power BI on offer with a much more universally applied pricing model but extensive customizability and modularity. Both do have a lot to offer on top of their compatibility to their respective organizations.

AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora

Among other services, Amazon also provides Aurora – a database service with a global presence that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL at a mere tenth of the cost of traditional databases. True to AWS fashion, Amazon fully manages these databases helping to further reduce costs for the users and alleviate the need to dedicate resources towards maintenance. To prevent loss and damage, Aurora databases have nearly a 100% uptime with easy replication and a restoration of services in less than a minute. For newer users to AWS, immigrating data locally is incredibly easy.