When you create a new EC2 instance you automatically download a ppk (or pem) key for that instance. This only happens once and generating a new one can be complicated so please take care to put it somewhere secure. As such you might want to give your developer team another key which you can delete if the need arises without risking access to your services.
Software design is the process by which an agent creates a specification of a software artifact intended to accomplish goals, using a set of primitive components and subject to constraints.

Creating An IAM User For Third Party Developers
In this step-by-step guide, we’ll go over the process of creating an IAM user for third party developers.
How Mobile Apps Integrate with the Back-End
Mobile Apps Integrate – The professional developer with expertise in the Back-End is responsible for developing the internal layer of the system, all coding involving the database, executing the website’s functionalities and processing the data obtained from the Front-End.
Why Your ICO Needs KYC Compliance
Know Your Customer, referred to as ‘KYC’, is the process of knowing and identifying your customers. This is an integral piece of launching a token sale for Cryptocurrencies because of the regulations in certain countries like the United States, China, Korea and so on....
Introduction to ARKit, AR, and VR
Introduction to ARKit In the latest news about iOS, ARKit is receiving a lot of attention, due to its ability to visually impress everyone (not just developers). ARKit is a young technology with flaws, without a doubt. However, the ARKit is a...
Successful Health Apps Part 2: User-Centered Design
Here is the second part of our blog series on building a successful healthcare application for web or mobile. This post focuses on utilizing ‘user-centered design’ methodologies to enhance the usability and usefulness of your app. But firstly, what is...
Preview 2017: Top Programming Languages
Whether you are a seasoned Developer or new to the game, you will be aware of the many programming languages available to you as you start work on a new web or mobile app. Sometimes the decision about which language to use is straightforward, but other times you may...
Top Web & Mobile App Design Trends 2017
App Design Trends for 2017 The field of digital design is developing at breakneck speed with terms such as User Experience Design (UX), User Interface Design (UI) and Interaction Design (IxD) becoming increasingly common. These fields of study and are getting better...
5 Easy Project Management Tips
This blog was originally written in 2016 and has been updated frequently. So you’re dreaming big dreams for 2020 - maybe you want to start a blog, set-up an ecommerce site for your handmade throw cushions, or finally create that cooking app that you always wish...
App Store Optimization Pro-Tips #2: Visual Branding
As with any 'branding' exercise, when it comes to App Store Optimization the key is to be consistent in both your communication and user experience. This means that the success of your product is built on both its visual appeal and the quality of the experience that...