Top 5 Data Security Threats to Healthcare Every aspect of daily life has been permeated by technological progress: the “traditional” way of doing things, from even a generation ago, is now rendered obsolete and antiquated by the digital revolution. Accordingly, the...
Allcode has worked with numerous Healthcare providers and understands the requirements and importance of Hipaa Compliance. Whether you are looking to move your clinic into the cloud or shifting a healthcare datacenter into the cloud we’re here to help.

Agile Software Development Methodology
Computer programming’s evolution accelerated with the introduction of technological breakthroughs like big data, cloud computing, and AI technology. Although recent advances add finesse to the developmental aspect, dynamic software solutions still require a fully...
The Potential of Telehealth Software Solutions
The Potential of Telehealth Software Solutions Since COVID-19 altered our way of life, telehealth has become a byword for efficient, safe, indispensable interactions between providers and patients, today and into the future. Augmenting traditional medical...
Successful Health Apps Part 2: User-Centered Design
Here is the second part of our blog series on building a successful healthcare application for web or mobile. This post focuses on utilizing ‘user-centered design’ methodologies to enhance the usability and usefulness of your app. But firstly, what is...
"How Do I Raise Investment?" Advice for Healthcare Startups
Hi Healthcare Startup Innovators! We are scheduling our next Meetup for June 22nd in Arent Fox LLP, Downtown SF. The evening will kick-off at 6pm with snacks and networking, with the event proper starting at 6:30 / 6:40pm and run until 8pm. Of course you are welcome...
HIPAA Compliance in the Cloud
HIPAA Compliance for digital health startups is important. In this blog post, we'll define HIPAA, PHI, and HIPAA Compliance. We'll then provide practical examples of PHI. We will specify some steps that need to be taken to secure PHI in a cloud environment. We'll then...
Native Apps vs. Non-Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps for iOS and Android?
“Should we build Native Apps, Non-Native Apps, or Hybrid Apps for iOS and Android?” We get this question all of the time. In most cases, the answer is yes, your mobile should be written in a native language. The only times that you should consider building a...
ShugaTrak – Enters the Diabetes Management Fray
Diabetes Management Healthcare Solutions Continue to Raise $ In talking to a number of health care startups, we've encountered a few companies that are trying to move diabetes management into the 21st century:Livongo and Glooko . Both of these companies have raised a...
CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available
AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...
ConsejoSano and Mercer sign agreement to launch a digitial Spanish telehealth platform for employers
ConsejoSano, a client of AllCode, and Mercer announced that they've signed an agreement to launch a digital Spanish telehealth platform for Spanish speakers. "Mercer announced today that it has formed an alliance with ConsejoSano to provide employers and their...