

CLI is a command line program that accepts text input to execute operating system functions. In the 1960s, using only computer terminals, this was the only way to interact with computers.

Security and compliance
Top Web & Mobile App Design Trends 2017

Top Web & Mobile App Design Trends 2017

App Design Trends for 2017 The field of digital design is developing at breakneck speed with terms such as User Experience Design (UX), User Interface Design (UI) and Interaction Design (IxD) becoming increasingly common. These fields of study and are getting better...

Parse Server Migration Service

Parse Server Migration Service

We are recommending that clients who are running on Parse contact AllCode about our Parse Server Migration service. The Parse Hosted service will be retired on January 28th, 2017. If you would like to migrate your solution off of Parse, please contact AllCode ASAP.The...

CareSentinel with support for CareCom is now available

AllCode today announced the release of new versions of the iOS and Android apps, CareSentinel, built for Loon Medical, Inc., with support for CareCom http://www.loonmedical.com. These new versions of CareSentinel add support for CareCom. The CareSentinel CareCom...