

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a part of Amazon.com’s cloud-computing platform, Amazon Web Services, that allows users to rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications.

Amazon EC2 logo and title
AWS Graviton and Arm-architecture Processors

AWS Graviton and Arm-architecture Processors

AWS launched its new batch of Arm-based processors in 2018 with AWS Graviton. It is a series of server processors designed for Amazon EC2 virtual machines. The EC2 AI instances support web servers, caching fleets, distributed data centers, and containerized microservices. Arm architecture is gradually being rolled out to handle enterprise-grade utilities at scale. Graviton instances are popular for handling intense workloads in the cloud.

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing Pricing Guide

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing Pricing Guide

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing is the default option for computing on AWS. Outside of outsourced cloud computing options, it is the default service for building, running, and scaling AWS-based applications. As such, EC2 will likely be the main driving force behind AWS bills. Understanding how to control said costs is therefore the most important factor in managing your AWS environment.

Parse Server Migration Service

Parse Server Migration Service

We are recommending that clients who are running on Parse contact AllCode about our Parse Server Migration service. The Parse Hosted service will be retired on January 28th, 2017. If you would like to migrate your solution off of Parse, please contact AllCode ASAP.The...

How to migrate your EC2 MySQL Instance to RDS

How to migrate your EC2 MySQL Instance to RDS

The other day I had to migrate a couple of databases from an EC2 MySQL instance to RDS. I couldn’t find a decent example of how to do this so I wrote this up.

Some of you might ask why do you want to do this? You get more control with EC2 than RDS. The reality is the EC2 instance ran out of RAM, and I didn’t want to build out a new box.