Google Chrome rolled out an update today that broke the WebCam integration for one of our clients, which required us to downgrade Chrome on a number of machines. Unfortunately, we were not able to find a good tutorial on how to downgrade Chrome. Hence, we put together...
An initial coin offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency industry’s equivalent to an initial public offering (IPO).

Why Your ICO Needs KYC Compliance
Know Your Customer, referred to as ‘KYC’, is the process of knowing and identifying your customers. This is an integral piece of launching a token sale for Cryptocurrencies because of the regulations in certain countries like the United States, China, Korea and so on....
How to Deploy a Crowdsale Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to your own Private Testnet
We've been trying to deploy a Crowdsale Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Solidity contract to the Ethereum block chain for the better part of 2 months. Code for an Initial Coin Offering Fund raise We've looked into the Open Zeppelins tutorials on How to Create Token an...
Technical Analysis of the $31 Million Dollar Ethereum Hack
Here's an interesting analysis of the $31 Million Ethereum Hack. From a technical standpoint, it appears as though the software developers who built...
Top Web & Mobile App Design Trends 2017
App Design Trends for 2017 The field of digital design is developing at breakneck speed with terms such as User Experience Design (UX), User Interface Design (UI) and Interaction Design (IxD) becoming increasingly common. These fields of study and are getting better...
App Store Optimization Pro-Tips #2: Visual Branding
As with any 'branding' exercise, when it comes to App Store Optimization the key is to be consistent in both your communication and user experience. This means that the success of your product is built on both its visual appeal and the quality of the experience that...
New Version of Joico System Color App Version 1.1 – Coming Soon
AllCode today announced a new release of the iPhone and Android app, the JoiColor System App V1.1, built for Joico, The JoiColor System App allows you to create your own hair color using Joico's breakthrough ArgiPlex Technology. The JoiColor...
The Ratings on AllCode’s Android JoiColor System App are Pretty Amazing
AllCode released a new Android app last week, the JoiColor System App, built for Zotos International a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shiseido America Corp The JoiColor System App is a free mobile application. The app provides instant, 24/7...
JoiColor System App is now available on the App Store!
AllCode today announced the release of a new iPhone app, the JoiColor System App, built for Zotos International a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shiseido America Corp, JoiColor System App provides you with top-notch hair color education and...
JoiColor System App – Coming Soon!
The JoiColor System App allows you to create your own hair color using Joico’s breakthrough ArgiPlex Technology